We thought it would be really helpful to share some recent signals and then give you a refresher on our free ABC Method. Some days trend; others don’t. Trending days are often ideal, but when there’s a lot of choppy activity, even the best traders can find themselves compromised.

The day in review was a trending day, fortunately. If your trading system gauges the trend incorrectly, that can be a problem. Often times what happens is a trader will lose the original trade (sometimes in a big way) and price will continue in that direction. Then the trader will be rather timid avoiding any additional opportunities. This is why we like to trade using multiple systems. And that’s why you see our Trade Scalper and Atlas Line in action, here. You’ll see that even our ATO 2 method, by itself, caught on to the bearish trend.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C8jqDulgms[/embedyt]

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If you want to focus in on learning our free ABC Method, go to 4:05. What is the ABC Method? It’s a way to divide up the day into three parts and find breakout entry opportunities during the final two parts.

As you may have guessed, the day consists of parts A, B, and C. The A portion is the first 2.5 hours from market open (e.g., 9:30 a.m. US/Eastern for the E-mini S&P 500) After the first 2.5 hours, draw resistance and support lines (the high and low for that 2.5 hour period). Now that you are in period B, wait for two closes beyond the high or low of the prior period. At about 14:42 in the video, you’ll see an example of such an entry. The same rules apply to period C. Please refer to the full video for a better understanding.

How do you get the ABC Indicator? The best way to get everything in this video is by enrolling in our 8-Week Mentorship Program. All courses and software are included with Lifetime licenses. We have new classes that start on a regular basis, but it’s important to get in to ensure you have a seat. The training is conducted online, twice a week.

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