More Scalping Winners: Easy Price Action Signals

Were you using our Trade Scalper software yesterday, July 28 with the E-mini S&P? If so, the signals were again, excellent. Within the first 30 seconds of this video, you can clearly a solid number of consistent winning signals. Once you have the Trade Scalper, you will see the same signals we see. With this […]
Pro Trading Setup With NinjaTrader 8 Chart Links

This video covers a way to synchronize your settings among multiple charts, SuperDOMs, and other NinjaTrader windows within your workspace. Indeed, NinjaTrader 8 has a linking feature that lets you synchronize the interval (e.g. chart time frame), instrument (e.g. a market such as ES 09-20), or both. Get the same indicators on your charts – […]
Price Action Scalping – Is It Truly This Easy?

Here’s what the Trade Scalper did today, June 22, on a 2-Range ES 09-20 chart. If you’re on the fence about getting the Trade Scalper, this video should help make your decision. Get the Trade Scalper Today! Before we get to the real-time trade, notice the two winning Short signals that occurred earlier. By default, […]
Live Signals + Avoid Curve Fitted Trading Systems

July 15 Webinar Recording Part 1: Curve Fitting Indicators to Data – Bad Idea When you use the Atlas Line, Trade Scalper, ATO 2, or any other method we teach, rest assured, there is only one way to trade each method. There are either winning trades or there aren’t. There is no curve fitting. Over […]
2 Long Trades at Same Time: Adding Positions

If you enter a Long trade and you have another opportunity to go Long, such as another Long signal, what do you do? This video explains. To provide some background, we’re using NinjaTrader 8 and looking at an E-mini S&P 500 chart (ES 09-19). Get the Atlas Line and/or Trade Scalper We begin with a […]
Scalping Frenzy: Parts 1 & 2 of This Week’s Recorded Webinar

So many signals, but do you take them all? Or do you use some discretion and only take those with a greater winning probability? Self-restraint is important with any scalping method. You could set up the Trade Scalper to fill your day with signals. It’s tempting. Or you could follow the rules we provide you […]