Today’s Atlas Line and Power Price Action Webinar

We had over 100 people attend today’s Power Price Action webinar. John Paul shared his charts (ES, 6E, CL, GC, etc.) allowing attendees to see the Atlas Line call trades in real-time. In addition, John spotted a few ATO and Power Price Action setups, each indicating great profit potential for otherwise ‘difficult to trade’ market […]

Heather Reviews Day Trade to Win Trading Methods

Heather from Australia was kind enough to share her experiences with trading the Day Trade to Win methods. At first, she relied on various signals and indicators; resulting in confusion and an inability to see the candles. This disconnect from the market was fixed after finding Day Trade to Win and employing price action methods. […]

Trading System Development – Don’t Trade Alone

If you’re like us, then you have undoubtedly spent hours upon hours of your time scrolling through chart history to see if there is any discernible pattern hidden amongst the candles. As traders, we are tinkers by heart, who choose to make a laboratory amidst a sea of seemingly random price data. Perhaps your market […]

Frank D. Reviews Scalping Courses and Atlas Line

Frank D. of Indiana recently switched from trading long-term stocks and options trading to short-term futures. This switch was the result of a losing short position in the Yen that was contradicted when price skyrocketed due to Japan’s seismic activity in March. While searching for a new way to trade, Frank came across other day […]

New Trading Price Action Live Webinar Recording

If you missed the live trading webinar with John Paul, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the webinar was recorded and you can watch it below. The bad news is that you missed the 2 trades he took using the Atlas Line live during the webinar. The room was […]

First Atlas Line Trade Up 2.75 Points on E-Mini

Today’s first Atlas Line trade was Long Pullback with a target of 2.75 points (11 ticks). We entered at 1181.50. After a short time lapse, we were filled at our exact profit target of 1184.25. Yesterday (September 6, 2011), was another great day on the ES (E-Mini S&P futures). Atlas Line users saw several long […]

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