Today, we saw the E-mini S&P surge well beyond the 4,000 level. What a steep climb! Did you have any winning signals on the way up? Watch the video below to see all of our Trade Scalper signals. These are the same signals you would have seen on your charts.

The ATR on the bottom (yellow line) tells us how fast the market is and much more. We’ll tech you all the ways it can be used when you buy the Trade Scalper.


Well, what did our Atlas Line software say? Did it “agree” with the Trade Scalper the market would be moving up and up today? Indeed! At around 2:25 in the video, notice how price is well above the Atlas Line. That means all of the signals will be long (buy). Sure enough, there was a main Atlas Line Long signal soon after the market opened. In a way, all of the Trade Scalper Long signals were filtered or confirmed by the Atlas Line. If you see signals from both systems near each other, we see that as a greater potential area of winning signals.

Other Types of Potential Winning Signals

Continuing forward with the Atlas Line, we had a number of Pullback (P) winning signals. You’ll see those Pullback signals in small green letters below the candles. As you can tell from many videos, we find the Atlas Line and Trade Scalper work very well together.

Do you have to use a 1-Minute or 5-Minute chart? No. For the Trade Scalper, you can use a 2-range chart if the market is slow enough. Sometimes, the activity is just too fast on a 2-range chart, so you’ll need to use a 1-minute chart for the Trade Scalper. You can use the Atlas Line on a 1-minute chart as well if the 5-minute chart is too fast. Remember, we gauge volatility using the ATR.

Both systems are installed as indicators. After purchase, we recommend that you watch the training video and then read the course. Both methods come with their own course and training video. We want you to be successful and find as many winning signals as possible. That’s why we include a live training session and email support.

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