» Get the Trade Scalper «

» Get the Atlas Line «

Using 10 contracts, John Paul traded with a result of over $2,000. This was accomplished using the Atlas Line software and the Trade Scalper strategy. These methods can be purchased separately or can be acquired through enrollment in the Mentorship Program.

For the E-mini S&P, the Atlas Line provides an entry signal around 10 a.m. US/Eastern. However, March 11, 2014 was an exception. Price danced around the Atlas Line around this time without having two consecutive closing signals above or below (which would normally generate an entry). The entry signal fired off at the close of the 10:15 a.m. candle, suggesting a Long entry of 1875. This means John Paul needed to buy the market at that price. He entered with a limit order which told the market he wanted to get in at the specified price. Price rose upwards for a while and then dropped again, tagging the entry price and filling the order. Now that he was in a trade, it was a matter of waiting and managing the the trade. You might notice NinjaTrader’s Chart Trader was not turned on right away, but you can see the profit target indicated by the green bar in the DOM window.

The second trade, over an hour later in the day, told John Paul to go short at 1874.50. Three ticks was the profit target. Although he could have gone for six ticks, he already made some profit for the day and decided on a more conservative approach. This one was filled much more quickly.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Trade Scalper videos were you can see the remaining two trades!

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