2.5 E-Mini Points Today Trading the Power Price Action Method

Remember to roll over to the new E-Mini contract! We’re trading the September contract now. We did a couple of Atlas Line posts this week. Now it’s time to demonstrate another technique, taught in the 4-DVD Power Price Action course. Around 3:00 p.m. EST, (about 1 hour, 15 minutes before market close), we identified a […]
E-Mini Trading Day in Review – June 9, 2011

Here’s another Emini trading video using the Atlas Line. This NinjaTrader chart shows the Double Bar Long signal produced at 1283.75 by the Atlas Line. June 9’s price action trading was all handled by going long, as price was continuously above the Atlas Line. Since price did not dip below the line, we knew that […]
Atlas Line Produces 2.25+ Points Today E-Mini

The Atlas Line called a great short trade on June 6, 2011 worth about 2.25 points, equivalent to $112.50 with a single contract or $1125 for those who trade with 10. Remember that each time you enter long or short, have a reason to do so. The Atlas Line provides a reason for how to […]
4 Markets, 5 Winners – Today’s Trading Video

Recorded Live – June 2, 2011 For those of you who missed today’s webinar presentation with John Paul, here’s your chance to see how the Atlas Line performed. Watch the video and pick up a few price action strategies for trading the E-Mini (ES), Russell (TF), Euro Currency (6E) and Crude Oil (CL). The video […]
Is E-Mini Trading Asleep or Alive?
What happened today? the market was asleep then BOOM! E-mini Trading is back or will it be short lived? No one knows, but one thing is for sure if a trader learns day trading correctly then regardless of which Futures Market traded, profits can be consistently made. The tools needed, well not much here when […]
How to Day Trade Smartly Before a 3 Day Weekend
If you’re from the United States (like us), you’re probably aware that Monday is Memorial Day, a federal holiday. Considered the unofficial start of the spring / summer vacation season (while commemorating fallen military service personnel), Memorial Day is always the last Monday of May. Every year, millions of Americans look forward to this three-day […]