Want to see our powerful Roadmap software in action? This is one of the primary methods taught in our eight-week Mentorship Program. Our new video explains a lot…

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Firstly, if you want to use the Roadmap, you’ll have to enroll in the next class that begins Feb. 8, 2020. All the details can be found on this page. If you want one-on-one training instead, email us at support@daytradetowin.com to arrange a time.

Right away, you’ll probably notice is how useful the Roadmap is to filter out bad trades. When price approaches the shaded zone lines/regions, price tends to stall out, reverse, or do something erratic. For example, if you have a lot of buyers accumulating futures contracts, they need to unload at the right time to make profit. The Roadmap looks at price action and says, “Here’s a potentially dangerous area as a result of significant buying or selling.”

Roadmap Software Zone Lines

Take a look at the red zone lines that occurred later in the day. We can say something similar about the activity there. There was much accumulated selling activity that needed to “balance out.” Accordingly, the Roadmap software recognized this potential and gave warning via those zone lines. Sure enough, price “bounced” off the bottom-most zone line.

In the eight-week Mentorship Program, you’ll learn the Roadmap in full detail. This is just a basic description of what’s being shared in the video.

Also, you may have noticed the Roadmap software gives Long (buy) and Short (sell) signals. That means the Roadmap is not just a filtering tool – it gives you additional trading signals/opportunities. Yes, the Trade Scalper and Atlas Line give their own special Long and Short signals using their own price action mechanics. The Roadmap is unique in this way, too. For example, you can take a trade going from zone to zone as John Paul points out around at 3:40 in the video.

Look at how the upper-most zone today worked as a ceiling. Can you imagine if you had the Roadmap working in conjunction with the Atlas Line, Trade Scalper, and our other methods? That’s why we offer the Mentorship Program. We want you to be the most capable trader possible. So, are you ready to begin? Feb. 8 is almost here. Enroll today and get started with the first week’s course ahead of time.

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