Our Accurate Price Action Signals on Inauguration Day

For many, yesterday was a tricky day to trade. It was Inauguration Day, a historic day in many ways. Did you take advantage of the historic all-time highs? Did your signals tell you what look for? Our price action signals did!

Below, take a look for yourself and see what our signals said.

Soon after the market opened, our Atlas Line and ATO 2 indicator software “agreed” that Long (buying) was the way to go. We call this 2x confirmation.

Price Action Signals: 2021 Day Trading Chart
Once you know the anticipated direction, you can wait for the big activity to subside.

So, if you were following the day’s events, the 46th U.S. president was scheduled to be sworn in around noon, EST. According to The Washington Post, he was sworn in at exactly 11:48 a.m.

Are Those Gold Lines Also Price Action Signals?

Considering this, in the chart pic above, we used gold lines to isolate the important time period: from market open to around noon.

Look at how price dropped and then retraced during the main event! We always tell people to avoid trading until big news events are over. This certainly qualified.

…Then look what happens right after the big event…

Right after 12 p.m., price took off again to the Long side. The Atlas Line price action signals continued to be correct, guiding the way with Long Strength and Pullback signals. The highest highs were reached yesterday evening.

>> Get these same signals today <<

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