If you are day trading using a regular laptop or just one screen with your desktop computer, then you have probably realized that screen space is important. If your display is large enough, and if you have good eyesight, you can accommodate multiple charts. However, if your vision is less than perfect and you need to read all those small details, you may want to consolidate all of your chart displays to a single chart window. And, of course, increase the font size on the chart to something much larger.

In this video, John Paul shows how he uses two different chart types in one chart window. What’s the benefit? It’s easy to see when trading systems says “go long” or “go short” around the same time. The belief is that multiple systems “saying the same thing” equate to greater winning probabilities.

Get the Trade Signals on your charts

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7Pl3bkGt6g[/embedyt]

John Paul learned a number of these methods from insiders and floor traders many years ago. He discovered others via experience, intuition, discovering patterns, trial and error, and tweaking over many years. You just can’t find this level of insight anywhere else. It’s just a fact. Floor trading was made extinct years ago. Those former colleague traders are now probably playing golf somewhere, trading privately for themselves, or reside at senior positions at big financial firms. You could spend years and a lot of money trying to figure things out or go with something that’s been long established.

If the idea of many signals per day appeals to you, the Trade Scalper may be of interest. Again, here’s a link to the Trade Scalper page with the details.

Good trading!

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