We’ve got two brand new videos to share with you today.

First up, let’s see what signals the Atlas Line produced and if there were any winners. Right away, we can see there’s a short at 4498.25 within the first half our or so of market open. The Atlas Line was correct in that the overall direction of the market would go lower. That’s because when price is below the Atlas Line, the recommendation is to look only for selling (short opportunities). That’s why you see additional Atlas Line signals in the form of Strength (S) and Pullback (P) letters near corresponding candles.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0qJprAkyu0[/embedyt]

>> Get the Trade Scalper, Atlas Line, or ATO 2 <<

At 2:13, John Paul adds the Trade Scalper indicator. Right away, you can probably see the benefit of running both indicators on the same chart. The Atlas Line can provide its own signals plus a direction of whether it’s best to go with long or short trades. We see many Trade Scalper winners, here, starting with the Long and multiple short opportunities. You may also notice the Short signal at 4491.25 accompanies some Atlas Line Strength (S) signals. Because multiple methods confirm the same, we feel more comfortable with trading. Sure enough, that appears to be a winning opportunity.

If you want to see only one or two signals a day in the morning, the ATO 2 method may be the best fit. We show the ATO 2 at around 3:35. Two signals are generated: a regular ATO 2 Short signal followed by an ATO 2 Short Chaser signal. You’re taught the differences and the rules to trade them. If you like trading the NQ as well as the ES, take a look at the NQ chart at 4:11.

What do we have next for you? Another video that describes the importance of decoding price candles using wicks.

If we see price moving down, can’t push further for some time, then comes back up, that qualifies as a Yo-Yo setup. This “trying and failing” per a grouping of support or resistance candles is the basis of the Yo-Yo setup. The bars involved tend to have noticeable wicks, that is, vertical lines extending beyond the body of the colored candle.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY0Zg3mj908[/embedyt]

If you want more details on how to take advantage of Yo-Yo setups, we explain in our full 8-Week Mentorship Program that begins Sep. 16, 2021. Now is the time to enroll. Click here to see all the details.

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