How to Day Trade Using Price Action: Day Trading for Beginners – Ep. 1

This will be a series of videos and articles about price action and how to trade using price action, instead of using indicators. When you browse through the web looking for information on day trading, you will very often come across pages or videos with charts that look something like THIS or THIS… But, when […]

5 Trading Tips for New and Active Day Traders

You’ve probably heard about how 90% of traders lose money. The actual statistical range is anyone’s guess. To know with some certainty, a study would need to be carried out. It’s doubtful that a broker or other type of firm would want to go on the record admitting that their customers are unsuccessful with the […]

Read These Recent Emails From Our Clients

How is your trading lately? Hopefully, your winners have been more sizable than the losing trades. Before checking out those feedback emails, take a look at this video that discusses ways to potentially avoid trading risk… Also, here’s a number of screenshots of recent emails we received from our clients. It’s a good sign when […]

Two Videos: ATO 2 & Atlas Line Trade + January Effect 2018 Review

Here’s another example of how the ATO 2 and Atlas Line work well together. They both agreed the E-mini’s price would rise. The long signals occurred around 10 a.m. EDT. The prediction was correct. The online training video and live training explain how to interpret the signals and time your trades correctly. Remember that the […]

ATO 2 and Atlas Line Short Signals in Bull Market

Click here to see the ATO 2, Atlas Line, Trade Scalper, and More Today, January 9, 2018, the ATO 2 software produced a short signal at 9:55 a.m. EST (New York time, GMT-5) when the market was at 2750.50. All of our ATO 2 clients should have received the exact same signal. With every trade, […]

More Winners: ATO 2 and Atlas Line Charts

Here are two more recent charts of great days using the Atlas Line and ATO 2 software. We like to use these two strategies together as part of Mentorship. They are also sold standalone on our courses page. It’s often a better deal to get lifetime licenses for both by enrolling in the Mentorship Program. […]

ATO 2 and Atlas Line Charts: Two Days Reviewed

The Atlas Line and ATO 2 provided some great E-mini signals today and yesterday. Take a look at the charts below. These two strategies work well together on 5-min futures charts. The goal is to place a trade prior to the big move up or down. Once you place a trade, price will hopefully reach […]

Trading Challenge Webinar Recording – Parts 1 & 2

Okay, traders, you can finally relax – the video has finally been posted from this morning’s webinar. Yes, we had many traders come and attend to see the highly anticipated Atlas Line, ATO 2, and Trade Scalper perform under live conditions. John Paul demonstrated exactly how the signals worked and providing a lot of free […]

Video + Chart: Atlas Line Winning Trades Despite Chop

Today was one of those days where despite the E-mini chopping back and forth a number of times. Despite this often being a problem for most trading systems, the Atlas Line was on point nearly every time. Take a look at the six trades in the screenshot below. As you can see, there are a […]

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