Winning Signals Using 2x Price Action Methods

Today, we saw the E-mini S&P surge well beyond the 4,000 level. What a steep climb! Did you have any winning signals on the way up? Watch the video below to see all of our Trade Scalper signals. These are the same signals you would have seen on your charts. The ATR on the bottom […]

Video Historic Trading Day: Atlas Line & Trade Scalper Signals

What a historic trading day. The S&P reached new heights. Did your trading methods take full advantage of today’s upward trend? Our Trade Scalper and Atlas Line sure did! said, “The S&P 500 on Thursday finished above the 4,000 milestone for the first time.” That directly translates to big day for the E-mini. That’s […]

Powerful Scalping Method: 3 Days of Charts Video

Today, we have three Trade Scalper charts for you from the past three consecutive days. We had many winning signals for this scalping method, as you can see. The idea is to get in and out quickly. Every chart shows roughly the same time period, the morning US/Eastern using a 1-Minute E-mini S&P 500 chart. […]

Price Action Webinar: Targets & Stop Strategy

We had so many requests to get this webinar video posted, so here it is! Hope you enjoy and see the benefits if price action trading. This was recorded last Thursday, March 4, 2021. John Paul shares real-time signals and explains his approach to making quick trading decisions. You’ll be first reviewing live Trade Scalper […]

Powerful 2x Roadmap Signals, Zones, & ABC

Roadmap & ABC Price Action Indicators

Who says you can’t find great signals pre-market or in the afternoon? Today’s chart shows that you can. In fact, our powerful Roadmap and ABC signals made it easy. In the chart image below, you’ll see 2x winning Roadmap signals and a winning ABC signal. Take a closer look at the chart below. See those […]

Confident Trades Using ATO 2 Trading Method, Trade Scalper, and Atlas Line

Ready to see what happened today with our trading systems? We have two videos for you. First, we have a 1-Minute chart running our ATO 2 trading method. The At the Open was our first product way back in 2009 or so when DayTradeToWin was first launched online. Can you believe we’re still using the […]

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