2014 Market Review and Futures Forecast with NinjaTrader

Click here to find out more about the courses mentioned in the presentation. John Paul conducted a presentation for NinjaTrader, in which he covered his price action approach to the markets, what to expect in 2014, and how to improve your results. Some of the topics discussed: • Best time of the day to trade […]

Two Live Scalp Trades on the E-mini S&P

» Get the Trade Scalper « Take a look at the entry, profit targets and stops used to place these two trades on a 1-Min E-mini S&P chart. The triangles near the chart represent the Trade Scalper software entries that help you know exactly when to enter. For the first trade, John Paul placed a […]

Watch This Price Action Trading Webinar Recording

» Get the Atlas Line « John Paul shows his price action trading setup with the BarTimer and ATR. You can’t trade the markets the markets are slow compared to when they are fast. For example, he prefers larger stops when the market is fast to avoid getting stopped out prematurely. In many cases, overnight […]

Today’s Trade Scalper Trades on the ES and 6E

Click the images for larger charts » Get the Trade Scalper « Take a look at the above charts from today, February 14, 2014, and you’ll notice some very good long and short trades on the ES (E-mini S&P 500) and the 6E (Euro FX). Let’s be clear – what you’re looking at his the […]

Atlas Line Live Webinar from February 7, 2014

» Get the Atlas Line « On January 7, 2014, John Paul conducted a live webinar where he answered questions, went over the Atlas Line, and gave his predictions for the upcoming year. The presentation starts off with using the Bloomberg Economic Calendar to find out what caused the unusually large price bar at around […]

ABC Software for E-mini Plots Entries

As you may have seen from our previous videos, the free ABC Method for the ES market splits the day into three parts. For each part, your entry will be two consecutive closes that break out of the previous section. The A part of the day (morning) is usually the most volatile. Part B (2.5 […]

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