Three Free Trading Videos

If you want to improve your trading further, visit the courses page where you can find proven methods that will enhance your trading. How to Trade the News Using the ABC Pattern Using the ATR to Gauge a Market’s Tradeability
E-Mini Trading – 11 Ticks in Under 3 Minutes

Use the coupon code 10OFFATLAS to get 10% off your choice of a 6-Month or Lifetime Atlas Line license. Here’s a quick example of how to take the guesswork out of trading by using the Atlas Line software. The first trade on Nov. 15 is a Short at 1251.25. This order signal was automatically produced […]
Economic Uncertainty Benefits Futures Traders
In these times of great economic uncertainty, Germany is in the spotlight as the country assumed to take part in saving its debt-ridden Eurozone counterparts from total collapse. Due to a weakening Euro, German exports became more attractive to the world marketplace. Investors, noticing the decline of Greece and Italy, then invested in Germany. This […]
E-Mini Volatility Increasing by End of November?
Back in August of this year, you can probably recall the increase of volatility in the ES (E-Mini). This jump in market activity was caused by elected U.S. House and Senate members attempting to reach a debt consolidation compromise. With each side of the political spectrum preferring a different resolution, a deal was formulated in […]
Heather Reviews Day Trade to Win Trading Methods

Heather from Australia was kind enough to share her experiences with trading the Day Trade to Win methods. At first, she relied on various signals and indicators; resulting in confusion and an inability to see the candles. This disconnect from the market was fixed after finding Day Trade to Win and employing price action methods. […]
Day Trading for Income – Oscar G. Update

We have a Price Action Webinar scheduled this Friday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m. US/Eastern. Here’s the link to attend: That handsome man in the video above is Oscar G. from Portland, OR. You may remember him from a testimonial he did back in July, 2010. Oscar was the first to participate in the […]