Today’s Atlas Line Trade on the ES

Here’s today’s ES trade using the Atlas Line. A rather choppy period gave way to our Long order signal, produced automatically by the Atlas Line at 1327.25. With a direction and entry price, we immediately entered. Based on real-time market conditions, we knew exactly what our profit target and stop loss should be. John refers […]
Will Your Trading Strategies Work in 2012?
As a trader, you are faced with choices every day. Each choice affects your bottom line. Be sure &ndash absolutely sure you know the ‘why’ and ‘when’ before entering each trade. If you are not trading objectively using price action, then you are missing the clear picture. Attend this informative webinar to see how using […]
Frank D. Reviews Scalping Courses and Atlas Line

Frank D. of Indiana recently switched from trading long-term stocks and options trading to short-term futures. This switch was the result of a losing short position in the Yen that was contradicted when price skyrocketed due to Japan’s seismic activity in March. While searching for a new way to trade, Frank came across other day […]