Today 8-12-11, John Paul daringly takes a live trade during volatile E-mini market conditions. His entry was based on the Atlas Line®’s exact entry red Dbl Bar Short signal you see printed on the chart live as it happened. The Atlas Line® automatically produces these order signals ahead of time, letting you know in advance where to be be (either long or short). You’ll notice that John calls the short signal before the Atlas Line produced it. The Atlas Line® rules and objective way to trade are taught so you know these orders in advance too!

A profit target of 5 to 6 points is used which is based on the ATR (Average True Range). He uses two stop types – a “Prove It” stop and a “Time-Based” stop. Both stops are taught in the live training that’s included with purchase. He’s going for 6.25 points, equivalent to $1562.50 trading five contracts. If you took a similar trade, you could be done for the day in just a few minutes! John Paul then moves his profit target up shortly to eventually take 4.25 Pts or $1062.50 of Profit.

In two weeks, we will be offering an extended, late summer sales event for the Group Private Mentorship Program. The Atlas Line and all other DTTW software and methods are included. It’s an excellent deal! To found out more email or call the toll free 888-607-0008.

One Response

  1. Mr. John Paul and Nate, I hope your going to allow me to join the summer sales offer, due to the fact I won`t be starting for the next week or two. I just faxed Nate my form today and just seen the summer offer in two weeks. I hope you would understand why I would ask this question. : ) Thank you, Rick.

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