Tag: ninjatrader
So, earlier, we posted a video of the Atlas Line. But many people were asking, “Well, what about the Trade Scalper? How did that do?” This picture should make …
We know you like checking back and seeing how the signals are doing from time to time, so here’s the latest video showing the Trade Scalper. Essentially, this is …
This brand new video begins with John Paul explaining his approach to an Atlas Line Long signal. This is a Long/buy signal on the E-mini S&P 500. The signal …
Take a look at all of these great Trade Scalper signals as they appear in our latest video from Aug. 3. In total, you’ll see about five total signals …
This quick scalping trade was over in 1-minute. Using eight contracts, this calping trade was worth $300. Did you make $300 in one minute today? We hope you did …
We had so many requests to get this webinar video posted, so here it is! Hope you enjoy and see the benefits if price action trading. This was recorded …
Yes, you’ll be learning a free news trading method just by watching the video below! Ever encountered a huge candle out of nowhere when you’re trading? Sometimes, those candles …
This is an important video because you will learn the January Effect, see how it has accurately been used in recent years to predict if the year will close …
We’ve had many people request a video on how to use NinjaTrader 8’s ATM Strategy area, so here you go… Keep watching – at the end, you’ll see recent …
Remember to roll over your futures contracts (i.e. ES 12-20 to ES 03-21) on or soon after Dec. 10, 2020! As mentioned, this includes the E-mini S&P 500 and …