Here we are, a new trading month, June 1, so let’s take a moment to understand how the markets are moving. We’re looking at equity futures markets, but remember, the E-mini S&P 500 is a reflection of the big S&P 500, which is a rather constant measure of 500 large companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. So, in a way, the E-mini S&P 500 is a way to gauge and trade a sort of averaged measure of “corporate health”.
[embedyt][/embedyt]By the way, if you want that news indicator to appear on your chart, you can get it by signing up for a free Member account here.
So, what did our Trade Scalper do today? The signals speak for themselves. Despite the strong downward activity, we saw sell signal after sell signal, clearly pointing out the way to go. John Paul circles six of them.
And what happens when the Atlas Line is added? Again, another system saying the same thing: “sell”. Price is clearly below the Atlas Line followed by so many Pullback and Strength trades agreeing with the Trade Scalper short signals. That’s exactly what we like to see–one system confirming another–with many winning opportunities along the way. See all courses and software here.
We like to trade based on what’s right in front of us–not complicated systems or opinions from talking heads. We look forward to having you as a Member who knows how to use price action.