+2 E-mini Points Using the Power Price Action Blueprint Trade

» Get Power Price Action « In this video, John Paul takes a Blueprint Trade, the main strategy taught in the Power Price Action course. Since the strategy is based entirely on price action, only time and price movement are considered for recognizing the entries and calculating the profit target and stop loss. The Bar […]

Atlas Line Results for February 2013

Only a monthly basis, we like to report how well the Atlas Line has performed. February 2013 was another successful month as indicated by these totals… February, 2013 Total # of trades = 44 Total # of days traded = 19 Total net profit or loss (using 10 contracts excl. fees, slippage, etc.) = +$10,375 […]

Four Days of Atlas Line Trades Reviewed

Last week, John Paul took a look at the E-mini S&P and the Atlas Line. He scrolled through four days of history, showing the many signals produced by the software. You can see more recent trades here. The idea of the Atlas Line is to provide you an exact entry and an overall direction of […]

Atlas Line Results for January 2013

Only a monthly basis, we like to report how well the Atlas Line has performed. January 2013 was another successful month as indicated by these totals… January, 2013 Total # of trades = 54 Total # of days traded = 21 Total net profit or loss (using 10 contracts excl. fees, slippage, etc.) = +$11,875 […]

How to Filter Out Overbought or Oversold Conditions

Ever see a candle suddenly plot that is much longer than the others? Of course you have – and a loss may have resulted. These candles often indicate the market is exhausted. After a candle of exhausion, you’ll probably see retracement or “confused” movement. As you can imagine, such market behavior pokes holes into many […]

Atlas Line Results – 4 Months Worth

The last time we calculated our Atlas Line monthly results was back in August 2012.  Let’s take a look at September through December, 2012.  Remember, past performance is not indicative of future results. There is substantial risk of loss in day trading. Data used is from the Recent Trades page. Calculations were performed manually – […]

Summer is Almost Over – Traders Get Ready!

I look forward to summer every year.  June, July and August bring sun, fun, bikinis, and oh, that’s right – let’s not forget slow moving markets!  Every year, the same thing occurs.  From January through May, the markets move normally as expected.  The following three months of summer bring the slow inactivity every trader complains […]

August 2012 Atlas Line Trades

Yes, it’s a little early to get August’s full report, so we’ll calculate the results for the last 30 days (July 25, 2012 to August 24, 2012). These stats were compiled using data from the Recent Trades page. The results do not account for slippage, brokerage fees, trading platform fees, etc. Atlas Line Trades for […]

Atlas Line Trades for July and TradingPub Webinar

Here’s a recap of July 2012’s Atlas Line trades. These stats were compiled using data from the Recent Trades page. The results do not account for slippage, brokerage fees, trading platform fees, etc. Atlas Line Trades for July 2012 Total # of trades = 65 Total # of days traded = 20 Total net profit […]

Last 3 Months of Atlas Line Trades

It’s time for a recap of John Paul’s Atlas Line trades for the last three months! These stats were compiled using data from the Recent Trades page. All trades were taken between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. US/Eastern. Note that your trading experience may differ based on your data feed and Atlas Line configuration. The […]

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