Opening Bell – E-Mini S&P Atlas Line Trading
Traders – a quick an easy profit today right at market open. Before the drop in price, the Atlas Line generated a short signal, in addition to the line being drawn above price (indicating to take short trades). If you want to check out more Atlas Line performance pictures, be sure to visit DayTradeToWin’s Flickr […]
Price Action Trading Lessons to Use Daily
Below, find 50 minutes of helpful price action trading advice from John Paul as presented in a new NinjaTrader webinar. The Atlas Line™ is an innovate technique for scalping, day trading and trend following using an algebraic trend line approach. Using the Atlas Line™ short and long entry signals, traders know when and how to […]
Today’s Atlas Line on the E-Mini SP

Check out this video…
Atlas Line Long Trade Performed Live

With price above the Atlas Line, you can see how the candle is created above the line in real-time, indicating a profit as we new market direction in advance.