6 Ticks in Blueprint Trade on E-mini S&P 500

» Get the Power Price Action Course « Power Price Action is a four DVD trading course that you get in the mail. Each DVD teaches very effective price action trading methods. The most powerful of these methods is the Blueprint Trade, also called the Blueprint Setup. In this video, John Paul takes a Blueprint […]

Scalping for 3 Ticks in the E-mini S&P 500 using Trade Scalper Software

» Get The Trade Scalper « The Trade Scalper method uses a one-minute chart with a goal of making 2-4 ticks on each trade. Trade Scalper setups occur multiple times each day across a variety of markets. This is essentially what scalping is – going for small profits all day long. The setups are completely […]

Live Price Action Webinar with NinjaTrader

NinjaTrader sponsored John Paul’s price action webinar yesterday. John Paul begins the hour-long webinar by talking about one of our old courses, the ATO (At the Open). Now only available in the Mentorship Program, the ATO teaches you how to trade the opening move in the E-mini S&P. This exact price pattern occurs on a […]

Mentorship Student Najam Gives Trading Education Opinion

“Right now, I am trading a few hours a day, two contracts, with an average of four points a day. My goal is to trade 10 contracts in the near future.” » Improve Your Trading Today « Najam from New Jersey was a struggling trader who traded on and off for about a year. During […]

Euro Financial Crisis Can’t Calm E-mini S&P for Long

» Get the Atlas Line Signals « On March 18, 2013 the market gapped down overnight due to news in the country of Cypress. Take a look at the E-mini S&P at around midnight, US/Eastern and you’ll see the gap. The news was that the Cypress government is assuming control of its citizens’ financial assets. […]

Are the Markets Manipulated? You Decide…

Jim Cramer, made popular through his CNBC show Mad Money, discusses manipulation in this video.  With as little as $5 million from his hedge fund, Jim confesses that he was able to influence futures markets in order to make profit more easily.  By creating a level of activity with the proper funding, you can drive […]

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