Learn Day Trading – Contract Rollover

Futures trading has almost been around since the beginning of time, in one form or another. A major difference now is the accessibility to markets all over the world and the way orders are instantly placed. Another difference is that rules and regulations are set in place to protect the buyers and sellers. Along with […]

How to Day Trade the Euro (6E)

Knowing when and how to enter markets like the Euro Currency is 50% of the battle. The other 50% is deciding when to exit. The Atlas Line® day trading software works by making this extremely easy: order signals are automatically produced, advising you when to enter. In addition, the plotted line helps confirm the direction […]

Live Trade Taken During Mentorship Class

Yesterday, Private Mentorship students were shown how to take profit in the E-Mini S&P (ES) using an ATO trade. The ATO is one of the 11 price action methods taught in the Private Mentorship Program. This trade was done live, trading-room style in front of course participants. As the students were already taught the ATO, […]

How to Trade the Euro Currency / Atlas Line Webinar

Live Webinar Atlas Line demonstration and question / answer event. Tomorrow, Thursday, February 24, at 10:00 a.m. EST. Enter this room at the time above: http://www.omnovia.com/event/29271296660338 You’re invited to see how John Paul uses the Atlas Line and other price action techniques to accurately trade any market. He’ll go through everything from the E-Mini S&P […]

New Power Price Action Course Unveiled

As part of our ongoing mission to improve the results of day traders worldwide, we at Day Trade to Win officially announce our brand new day trading course, Power Price Action. This new DVD-based course is perfect for Forex, Futures and Currency traders who want to consistently earn profits. Power Price Action Trading Course Includes: […]

Atlas Line Webinar ES, CL, FESX & More – February 3, 2011

Quite a few traders were in attendance to see the Atlas Line traded on multiple markets. In the E-Mini S&P, the Atlas Line generated short signals today at around 9:45 a.m. Price nearly touched the Atlas Line then continued short, as the signal indicated. In the Euro, Crude Oil and Swiss Frank markets, price also […]

E-Mini S&P Atlas Line Bounce Trades

The Atlas Line calls bounce trades perfectly on the E-Mini S&P futures market. There was no reason to go short. We made our money for the day in a very short period of time.

Live Price Action Trading Seminar

On June 26, 2010, John Paul will be teaching his exclusive trading methods and strategies in a workshop for day traders of all experience levels. You can register for the educational day trading seminar that will be held on Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Emini S&P Cash Management and using Leverage Right

Many traders want to maximize the number of contracts that they trade. However, leveraging ultimately leads to lack of cash management and lack of risk management.  Nowadays, I see many day traders looking for the best margin for their money.  Some could even trade as low as $500 per one Emini SP. Trading a larger […]

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