» Get the Atlas Line «

At about 5:30 into the video, you can see John Paul enter a live trade in front of the attendees. The Atlas Line said to go long at 10:00 a.m. Using his live account, he bought the market at 1630.50. The ATR was at 3.48, so John Paul’s profit target was three points (by rounding down). His stop loss was five points (also based on real-time market conditions). You can see how he drags the profit target and stop loss around on the NinjaTrader DOM window. You can also do this on the chart using the Chart Trader feature. The green profit target and stop loss lines get automatically placed on the chart because of the ATM Strategy John Paul has in place. The ATM strategy did not fit the real-time market conditions, so he had to re-position them. By 11:00 into the video, the trade is over with John Paul making 3 points of profit. Even if you were trading one contract, that’s a profit of $150 without broker fees. John Paul was trading 10 contracts, so the trade was worth $1500.

Here are some of the answered questions and statements asked by attendees:

Mike: Would you have a short sitting below that price for a break out to take you in the market?

TA: are your decisions only n 5 min charts?

Mike: Your profit target is the previous highs. Would you adjust the targets or leave them no matter what?

Frank: can you please explain the entry process?

Mike: If there was news at 10:00 would you wait until after the news?

Tom: are your posted results taken from the room?

tony: new to this ..so what is your profit so far

Dean: Do you recommend starting out on the 5 minute chart?

Will: you get another Atlas line today, or will you use this one all day?

NJ: How far away from ATR would you enter as your prove-it-stop may be too big?

Dean: How does the Atlas line handle ranging markets?

Dean: Very stringent rules based trading. I like. Instills discipline win or lose.

Some of the attendees were John Paul’s Mentorship students. Here’s what they had to say:

Najam: i took the trae 4 contracts

Guess: i took it with 5 contracts

Chris 2: Been using your ATO successfully for last 2+ years. Thanks

Chris 2:You are one of the MOST Honest Trading Instructors I’ve encountered and it works!!!

dick: To all who are contemplating signing up for J Pauls mentorship I would encourage you to enroll. I’m 75 yrs young and this is the best systems I had experienced.

2 Responses

  1. “NJ: How far away from ATR would you enter as your prove-it-stop may be too big?” There is a typo in this question. It should read “How far away from ATL (Atlas Line) would you enter as your prove-it-stop may be too big?”

    1. Hi NJ, there are probably a few typos in these questions. These questions were asked by attendees, so we left the questions in their original form instead of correcting them. We often leave the testimonials untouched that we receive. Thanks for pointing this out!

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