Two Free Indicators Now Available on Downloads Page

Visit the new Downloads page to download a News indicator for NinjaTrader 7 and a Bar Countdown Timer for TradeStation 9. Installation instructions are provided on the Downloads page.

News Indicator for NinjaTrader 7
Instead of referring to a web page for upcoming news events, wouldn’t it be easier to have upcoming news appear on your chart? That’s exactly what this indicator provides. The priority of each news announcement is labeled and color coded. Also, you can filter U.S. news events only, have medium and high priority only and change the interval news is retrieved (the default 15 minute value is fine). Here’s a tip – create a new chart just for this indicator and remove price data and axis lines. You can then drag this indicator over your chart like a free-floating data box.

Bar Timer for TradeStation 9
This is a popular request for our traders who use TradeStation. This essential tool will provide you with the amount of minutes / seconds remaining for the blotting candle so you can plan accordingly. Remember that the countdown is based on the type of chart you’re looking at (a newly posted bar on a five minute chart will take five minutes to count down). NinjaTrader offers a countdown timer with its regular / default set of indicators that are included with install.

Keep checking the downloads page as we plan to expand.

Have an idea for the downloads page or question about the indicators? Post a comment below.


  1. lola July 30, 2012
  2. anotha day anotha dollar July 26, 2012
  3. jaguar rrrr July 17, 2012
  4. kasdf July 13, 2012
  5. debbie July 13, 2012
  6. karl July 12, 2012
  7. Larry F July 12, 2012

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